Friday, November 19, 2010

Thankful for Progress

The web-design is moving along quite nicely. There are a couple more components that need to be added, primarily the payment option, and the site will be “rolled out” to a broader public status. Once all components are in place, the site will go public via Facebook, Twitter, and Vimeo on January 1, 2011. Thank you to the ladies at Crossroads Bank for your advice and suggestions regarding credible resources!

Preparations are also being made to apply to art festivals in the area. Additionally, decisions regarding a solo exhibit date and potential location are also in the “works”. Dates for exhibitions will be announced on In the meantime…painting, painting, and more painting is taking place. Look for “Works in Progress” to be completed, as well as “Works Recently Completed”. Please leave a comment if you have suggestions for shows to apply for in the area, or suggestions for online communities to become a part of…suggestions are always appreciated!

Thank you and take care,